12.2.19 I am finally ready.

It is about time I gave this website my attention.  I’ve had it half-way done for some time, but just haven’t given it the time its needed to be ‘perfect’, which I am trying to get over. (Notice…the site is not perfect. For me a daring step to publish this imperfect site.) And also I have been distracted. Life is good and full, so my attention wandered a bit.

Some of you may be returning after a long time while my website was missing from the internet. Welcome back. You won’t find much new here now, but I have some new ideas ready to be shared. Thanks for your patience and please return. I am slowing learning how to manage this new website. My efforts sometimes look like a disaster, but I really do enjoy the experience of learning and sharing.  For those of you new to the site, please enjoy.  I’ve tried to keep the site simple and clean so it is easy to navigate.

I have over many years learned and still continue to grow my skills from others’ generosity. My ability to set this site up is possible from amazing Youtube videos about WordPress and Elementor. My quilting, from piecing to free motion, has been nurtured and inspired by many, many sites on the internet. (I’ll share some of these later. Promise)

Please remember that what you see here is for your personal use. If you would like to use patterns for commercial efforts, including classes you teach, please ask my permission. I am very generous is granting permission. Like I have said, my skills and ideas have been inspired by others, so I understand that sharing my ideas helps others. I want to participate in that ‘give and take’ of ideas.

Enough for today. I have more work (play) to do on this website. I love feedback, so I hope to hear from you.

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